The iPads and iPad Pros are, and at all times remain, the property of New Albany-Plain Local Schools (NAPLS) and are loaned to the students for educational purposes for the academic school year.
A NAPLS identification label with an asset number has been placed on each device. This label is not to be removed or modified.
All district-owned devices are maintained and managed by the NAPLS Information Technology (IT) Department. A mobile device management (MDM) system will be used to track and monitor the devices, and to deploy educational apps and other resources to the devices. Age appropriate restrictions may be applied to the devices as deemed necessary.
Teachers will be able to monitor and control student devices using built in device features and other third party applications. NAPLS administrative staff and teachers retain the right to collect and/or inspect the devices at any time; there is no expectation of privacy while using district-owned devices.
New Albany-Plain Local School recognizes that with the implementation of the one-to-one initiative there is a need to protect the investment by both the district and the student/parent. Therefore, we have set the following guidelines:
A portion of the annual school fee will be used to fund the repair or replacement of damaged iPads.
Two accidental damages over the lifetime of the device will be covered by this fee.
One occurrence of a lost or stolen device will be covered by this fee.
‣ A written statement from the parents/guardians must be submitted in the case of a lost iPad.
‣ A police report must be submitted in the case of a stolen iPad.
The cost to repair or replace an iPad due to accidental damage after the first two incidents will be fully paid by the parents/guardians of the student.
The cost to replace a lost or stolen iPad after the first occurrence will be fully paid by the parents/guardians of the student.
Neglect or malicious damage is not covered by this fee.
Loss of or damage to power adapters and cables is not covered by this fee.
Students may customize their iPads’ wallpaper (both lock screen and home screen). Images of weapons, alcohol, drugs, or inappropriate items are not permitted. The presence of pornographic images or photos containing inappropriate language is not permitted.
Students should set a passcode to protect their iPads, and keep the passcode confidential. A school administrator or teacher may request the passcode to access this district- owned device at any time.
Personal Apps, Music and Movies
Students in grades 3-8 are not permitted to download any personal apps, music, or movies on their iPads. This is subject to change based on the instructional needs of students. Ninth grade students will have access to the iTunes and App Stores outside of school hours. They are permitted, with parental consent, to download music, movies and apps to be used outside of school hours. Personal content will not be available to students during school hours.
Through the use of its MDM, NAPLS will provide configuration settings that will limit the types of apps and media that can be installed on the iPads based on age restrictions.