Features: PowerSchool Parent Account

  • View grades
  • Attendance
  • Meal Balances
  • ...and More

PowerSchool = Gradeflow:  To view current grades. It accounts for any course weighting and is the most accurate reflection of your child's grade/percentage in class. 

Schoology = Workflow: To view current work, assignments, notes, resources and missing assignments. You can view this under GRADE on the left.  This is the teacher/student workspace. Schoology is NOT the place to view your child’s current grades or percentage. As teachers are still grading, it could include practice work (not to be included in final grade), or review work, so it does NOT accurately reflect their current grade status. Instead, use PowerSchool. To learn more about setting up a Schoology account, click here.

Accessing PowerSchool

  • Visit the NAPLS website, then navigate at the top For Families. Each building's Family Portal has a link.Each building Portal Page has a PowerSchool link.
  • Use this school code when registering: PQRF
  • Alternatively, download the PowerSchool App: iOS, Android (unavailable at this time)

PowerSchool Parent Help

How can I add a second student to my parent account?

1. Sign into your account via the web portal (PowerSchool link), then click Account Preferences on the left menu.

2, Under Account Preferences, click on the Students tab.

3. Now click on the Add + button and follow the necessary steps.

4. To Switch Students:  Once signed in to Power School Parent Portal, you can easily switch between the students in your family.  A button will appear in the upper-left corner of the screen for each student that has been linked to your account.