Use the following guides to support both new iPad setup for students at anytime, and initial iPad configurations at the start of each school year. Teacher support is recommended for the ELC and Primary buildings. Intermediate students may be able to navigate these resources more independently. 

iPad Setup Checklist (1-6) for students in grades 1-6 to check off as steps are completed.


2-Page Quicksheet

ELC Student iPad - Detailed Startup Guide


2-Page Quicksheet

NAPS Student iPad - Detailed Startup Guide

Video Version

Grades 4-12

4-12 Student iPad - Detailed Startup Guide

Video Version

Parent Support (3rd-12th)

2-Page Quicksheet

Detailed Guide

Additional Beginning of the Year Resources

Troubleshooting General iPad Issues - Guide

Apple Classroom Full Setup Guide - Teachers Only and Solutions Article Link

JAMF Teacher Lessons

JAMF vs. Apple Classroom (Overlap and Differences)

Delete Media from the iPad (Photos, Videos, Apps)

Backup Media to Google Drive